Monday is Texas Poker Night, come and join the fun.
Every other Tuesday is Quiz Night. Come and join us for the next quiz 4th February 2025. Starts at 8pm.
Bingo every Sunday for big money, first house at 8pm, don’t be late.
Keep looking for the dates. So don’t forget to check back and keep up to date with all our latest news and events.
We have BT SPORTS so any sporting event on these channels will be shown where possible.
Opening times Mon – Thurs Noon – 11pm. Fri & Sat Noon – Midnight, Sun Noon – 10.30pm
We are now taking bookings for your own/company parties, very good rates. Speak to Chris Dixon or put in writing to the committee for more details. e-mail coveivyleaf@outlook.com
February 2025
Saturday 1st Dan McHugh
Saturday 8th Flying Visit
Saturday 15th Rockin Rogers
Saturday 22nd Horizon
Also check out some of the forthcoming acts playing at your club by logging onto www.lemonrock.com click on venues then look for social clubs, you will find us there.
Irish dance class every Thursday at the Ivy, find out more from their website at www.dunlopcopeacademy.co.uk or email Lynn Dunlop at dunlopcopeacademy@gmail.com
Don’t forget you can find us on Facebook, information is always available and up to date, also 100 clubs are there on Sunday nights. Remember to keep liking and sharing these posts.